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Aura Mall Bhopal Address, Pin Code, Location Map, Directions, Distance, Phone Number, Jobs

Aura Mall Bhopal Address Pincode Location Map Directions Distance Phone Number Jobs

Aura Mall Bhopal Address Pincode Location Map Directions Distance Phone Number Jobs

Aura Mall in Bhopal is one location, where the youth and older people often comes to enjoy walking, buying, and seeing movies. The place is very delightful for who wants to purchase clothes, gadgets as well as try their hands on fast food. Also, one can found various shops pertaining to their interest inside the Aura Mall Bhopal. So we are deep diving into the Aura Mall Bhopal Address, Pin Code, Location, Map, Directions, Distance, Phone Number, Jobs, etc.

Aura Mall Bhopal Address:

The address of Aura Mall Bhopal is NDS Colony Lane 2, Fortune Pride, Shahpura, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462039.

Aura Mall Bhopal Pincode

The area in which the Aura Mall is located is Shahpura and its pincode is 462039.

Aura Mall Bhopal Phone Number

The phone number of Aura Mall is not available.

Aura Mall Bhopal Location

Aura Mall is located near the Trilanga Main Road, Bhopal

Aura Mall Bhopal Map

Aura Mall Bhopal Latitude Longitude

The latitude and longitude of Aura Mall Bhopal is 23.188917906077386, 77.4340530002845

Aura Mall Bhopal Distance

If you are currently living in Bhopal or coming to visit the Aura Mall in Bhopal from other city or state, you can find the distance on Google Map as follows.

Aura Mall Bhopal Directions

One can easily find the directions to Aura Mall Bhopal via Google Maps.

Aura Mall Bhopal Jobs

There might be recruitment going on in Aura Mall Bhopal. One who wants a job can directly visit the Aura Mall and make an inquiry.

PVR Aura Mall, Bhopal Ticket Price

The price of movie tickets depends completely on the cinema which changes from movies to movies and inflation.

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