Bommasandra Industrial Area Pin code, Address, Company List, Hotel, Map, Jobs

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Bommasandra Industrial Area is famous as one of the industrial zone based in rural Bangalore, Karnataka. There are many manufacturing companies which are located in this zone. It is one of the industrial hub of Bangalore. We will see different information about Bommasandra Industrial Area Pincode Address Company List Hotel Map Jobs, etc.

Bommasandra Industrial Area Address

Bommasandra Industrial Area, Bommasandra, Karnataka

Bommasandra Industrial Area Pincode

The pincode of the Bommasandra Industrial Estate Pin Code is 560099

Bommasandra Industrial Area Map

Bommasandra Industrial Area Latitude Longitude

The latitude and longitude of Bommasandra Industrial Area are 12.816035885152312 & 77.6792619663718 respectively.

Bommasandra Industrial Area Hotels

There are more than 20 Hotels which are located in the Bommasandra Industrial Area. One can google them and book one of them as per their budget and convenience.

Bommasandra Industrial Area Manufacturing Companies

There are more than 50 manufacturing companies which are located in the Bommasandra Industrial Area.

Bommasandra Industrial Area Companies List PDF

The Bommasandra Industrial Area Companies List PDF are currently not available.

Frequently Asked question About Bommasandra

Is bommasandra urban or rural?

It is a rural area in Bangalore ,Karnataka, India.

Is bommasandra a good place to live?

It is decent place to live as it has all the needed facilities available.

Which zone is bommasandra?

It is in the Banglore Division in the Karnataka State

What is the pin code of bommasandra?

Bommasandra Industrial Estate Pin Code is 560099

Is Metro available from majestic to bommasandra?

The details are under review.

How to get to Bommasandra Industrial Area?

One can use road route from their location in India to reach the Bommasandra Industrial Area.


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